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Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of lithium iron phosphate batteries?

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

The main advantages of lithium iron phosphate batteries are:

1. Performances at high temperature are good: the internal temperature is as high as 95 ~C when the external temperature is 65 ~C, and the temperature at the end of battery discharge is as high as 160 ~C.

2. High efficiency output: continuous high current discharge can reach 10C, instantaneous pulse discharge (10S) can reach 20C.

3. There is no damage from discharge to zero volt.

4. Batteries are damaged internally or externally. Batteries do not burn, explode and are safe.

5. Very strong cycle life. After 500 cycles of charging, the discharge capacity is still more than 95%.

The main shortcomings of lithium iron phosphate batteries are as follows:

1. In the sintering process of lithium iron phosphate preparation, the possibility of iron oxide being reduced to elementary iron under high temperature reducing atmosphere exists.

2. The cost of material preparation is higher than that of battery manufacture, and the yield of battery product is lower and the consistency is poor.

3. The product consistency is poor. At present, there is no lithium iron phosphate material factory in China to solve this problem.

4. There are some performance defects in lithium iron phosphate, such as low compaction density and compaction density, which results in low energy density of lithium ion batteries.

Do you know the quality index of iron phosphate?

The content of trivalent iron is more than 29.0% (dihydrate) or 36.0% (anhydrous)

Ferric Divalent Content <10 ppm

Sulfate < 15 ppm

Ammonium (NH) = 15 ppm

Calcium is less than 50ppm

Magnesium is less than 50ppm

Sodium is less than 100ppm

Potassium is less than 100ppm

Copper is less than 10ppm

Cadmium is less than 10ppm

Lead less than 15ppm

Zinc is less than 15ppm

Vibration density: 1.13-1.59g/cm3

Fe:P=0.97~1.02 (iron-phosphorus ratio)

Particle size and morphology: spherical-like

Particle size: D50_3-5 um

The particle size distribution range must be within 0.1 to 10 microns, and the maximum particle size should not be greater than 10 microns.

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