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What are the usage requirements of oxalic acid?

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

1. Refining oxalic acid with 2-3 times water dilution.

2. Make a mop with woven bags or other articles. Apply the refined oxalic acid evenly to the parts needing cleaning. Rinse with water every few minutes, and scrub slightly if necessary. If it's too dirty, use it to wipe it.

3. note:

(1) Do not pour the acid directly on the ground or in the pond.

(2) Each toilet needs only half a basin of diluted refined oxalic acid.

(3) When picking up acid or cleaning, use plastic basin and wear rubber shoes well.

When refined oxalic acid is produced, its concentration will be very high, and its corrosiveness still exists. Before using it to remove scale, it should be diluted, so that the function of oxalic acid is not affected, and the ceramics and equipment where the dirt is located are not affected.

What factors affect the dispersion of industrial oxalic acid

1. concentration

The concentration of industrial oxalic acid is one of the main factors affecting its dispersion. Under the condition of high concentration, it can react with dirt in a large area and produce scale inhibition effect. At the same concentration, there are synergistic effects between other components of compound oxalic acid and polymer.

2. Turbidity and Impurity Ions

Turbidity has a great influence on the effect of industrial oxalic acid. In water, iron ion concentration is often increased due to metal corrosion.

What are the factors affecting the efficacy of industrial oxalic acid

1. Ratio of industrial oxalic acid to water: Sometimes it depends on the situation. The contamination level of the viewing template can be reduced or increased appropriately.

2. Degree of treatment: In the process of use, the components in the machine can not be touched. In the thin oxide layer of industrial oxalic acid, chemical treatment can be used successively.

3. The smaller the particle size, the higher the adsorption capacity and the more obvious the effect.

4. It is related to the preparation conditions of industrial oxalic acid, especially to impurity ions and heat treatment temperature.

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