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What are the ways to discharge oxalic acid?

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

1. Biofilter-type dewatering: however, oxalic acid is generally discharged from inert materials which can not provide nutrients, such as charcoal, ceramics, plastics, etc.

2. Adsorption method: After pretreatment such as dedusting, humidification or cooling, the dirt is decomposed from the filter bed through microbial metabolism.

3. Washing activated sludge removal method: the slurry mixture containing suspended matter is fully contacted with dirt, and is degraded and dissolved by microbial metabolic activities of suspended growth. Complete oxalic acid drainage.

Although oxalic acid is corrosive, its production cost is low and its decontamination ability is strong, so its sewage discharge function is better, and it does not produce secondary pollution. With the improvement of environmental awareness, its use will be more extensive.

How to Detect the Failure of Industrial Oxalic Acid

1. When hydrochloric acid is added to the sample, the gas carbon dioxide can not be produced, i.e. no volatile reaction occurs, indicating the failure of industrial oxalic acid.

2. Take appropriate amount of industrial oxalic acid, add acid potassium permanganate, heat, if it can not fade, then no redox reaction occurs, indicating that oxalic acid is ineffective.

Industrial oxalic acid has a strong cleaning effect, but when it is not used, it should be checked whether it is invalid at any time. When the product is not invalid, its use effect is better, and its performance remains unchanged.

Do you know about oxalic acid passivation

1. Complex crystallization method, oxalic acid based on the theory of chemical solubility product and complexation equilibrium, using its solubility gradient and crystallization characteristics at different temperatures, appears complexation-crystallization purification technology.

2. Taking the purity and impurity index of oxalic acid as reference, the types, dosage and solvent system of complexing agent have obvious effect on impurity removal, and the technological conditions such as crystallization temperature, mode and time can control the adsorption or entrainment of impurities on the surface.

3. The products were characterized by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis).

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