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What are the main technical requirements for lithium iron phosphate batteries for communications?

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

I. Working Temperature Range

Battery packs are used at the following ambient temperatures:

—— Charging environment temperature: 10 ~55 C;

—— Discharge ambient temperature: 20 ~60 C.

II. Electrical Performance

The performance of the battery module is consistent.

Each cell in the battery module shall be made by the same manufacturer with the same structure and chemical composition, and shall meet the following requirements:

1. The difference between the maximum and minimum static open-circuit voltage of each cell in the battery module should be no more than 0.05V.

2. The difference between the maximum static internal resistance and the minimum static internal resistance of each cell in the battery module should be consistent: below 10 mW, the absolute deviation should not exceed 0.5 mW, and above 10 mW, the deviation should not exceed 5% of the average value.

3. The difference between the maximum and minimum capacities of each cell in the battery module should not exceed (+1) of the average value.

3. Capacity Preservation Rate

Battery pack capacity should not be less than 95% of the rated value.

IV. Cyclic Life

The cycle life of the battery pack should be 800 to 2000 cycles.

V. Accelerated Aging Life at High Temperature

When the battery pack is discharged after charging according to the regulations, its appearance should be free from obvious deformation, rust, smoke or explosion, and its test cycle should be no less than 52 times.


1. ESD immunity. The battery pack shall meet the requirements of GB/T 17626.2-2006 grade 4. After the test, the appearance of the battery pack shall be free from obvious deformation, leakage, smoke or explosion, and can work normally.

2. Conducted disturbance limits. The battery pack shall meet the requirements of YD/T983-1998 grade B. After the test, the appearance of the battery pack shall be free from obvious deformation, leakage, smoke or explosion, and can work normally.

3. Radiation disturbance limits. The battery pack shall meet the requirements of YD/T983-1998 grade B. After the test, the appearance of the battery pack shall be free from obvious deformation, leakage, smoke or explosion, and can work normally.

4. Surge (shock) immunity. The battery pack shall meet the requirements of GB/T 17626.5-2008 grade 4. After the test, the appearance of the battery pack shall be free from obvious deformation, leakage, smoke or explosion, and can work normally.

7. Battery Management Function

1. Display accuracy 2. Temperature compensation function.

Monitoring function

1. Communication interface. Battery pack should have RS232 or RS485/422, IP, USB and other standard communication interfaces. The communication protocol refers to the communication protocol of battery detection device in YD/T1363.3. It should provide communication cables and various alarm signal output terminals matched with the communication interface.

2. Monitoring content. Battery packs should have the following real-time monitoring functions.

Remote control: charging/discharging (optional), alarm sound switch.

Telecontrol (optional): charging/discharging management parameters of battery packs, etc.

Telemetry: battery capacity (SOC), battery/cell voltage, battery/cell current, environment/battery/PCBA board (optional)/cell temperature (optional), battery charging/discharging current, battery internal resistance (optional), SOH (optional) and so on.

Telecommunication: battery charging/discharging status, battery overcharge/overcurrent alarm, battery undervoltage/overcurrent alarm, battery charging overvoltage alarm, battery discharging undervoltage alarm, battery polarity reversal alarm, environment/battery/PCBA/battery high temperature alarm, environmental low temperature alarm, battery capacity alarm, battery temperature/voltage/current sensor failure alarm, battery core Failure alarm (optional), battery failure alarm (optional).

Protection and Warning Functions

1. Short circuit protection. When short circuit occurs at the output end of the battery pack, the circuit should be cut off and warned instantly. The battery pack should not leak, smoke, fire or explosion; after troubleshooting, it should be able to resume work manually or automatically; after instantaneous charging, the voltage of the battery pack should be no less than the nominal voltage.

2. Reverse connection protection. The battery pack stipulates that the test should be conducted by cutting off the circuit and warning, the battery pack should not leak, smoke, fire or explosion; after troubleshooting, it should be able to automatically resume work; after instantaneous charging, the battery pack voltage should not be less than the nominal voltage.

3. Overcharge protection. When the battery pack is overcharged, the charging circuit should be cut off and warned. The battery pack should not leak, smoke, fire or explosion.

4. Overdischarge protection. After discharging the battery pack to the termination voltage, the discharge circuit should be cut off and the alarm should be given. The battery pack should not leak, smoke, fire or explosion.

5. Overload protection. When the discharge current of battery pack reaches the value of overload protection current, the circuit should be cut off and alarmed. The battery pack should not leak, smoke, fire or explosion; after troubleshooting, it should be able to resume work automatically; after instantaneous charging, the voltage of battery pack should not be less than the nominal voltage.

6. Temperature protection.

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