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Advantages of Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery and Traditional Lead-acid Battery

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

1. Strong safety: lithium iron phosphate cathode material has good electrochemical performance, stable charging and discharging platforms, stable structure during charging and discharging, non-combustion, non-explosion and good safety of batteries;

2. Good performance at high temperature: the battery works normally at the external temperature of 55 C;

3. High power output: standard discharge is 0.2C and can be charged and discharged at 3C.

4. High energy density: nominal voltage is 3.2V, energy density is about 4 times that of lead-acid battery, small size and light weight;

5. Environmental protection: the whole production process is clean and non-toxic, all raw materials are non-toxic;

6. Long cycle life: 1 C charge and discharge at room temperature, the capacity of monomer after 2000 cycles is still more than 80%.

What is the difference between lithium iron phosphate batteries and ternary batteries?

1. volume

Natural disadvantage of iron-lithium battery volume. Under the same size condition, the lithium-iron battery can hold 10AH, and the ternary lithium battery can usually hold more than 15AH. This is very different from the current high-power motors. Taking the bike model as an example, the lithium-iron battery is usually installed at about 72V80AH. To install 100AH, great changes need to be made. To replace it with ternary batteries, it is relatively simple to install 150AH, and it is not difficult to install 200AH. For customers who need long-distance and high current discharge, lithium-iron batteries have a great disadvantage. Whether it's the discharge output current or the range, it's not a little short.

2. Low Temperature Performance

The low-temperature performance of lithium-iron batteries is hard injury. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the performance of lithium-iron batteries is about 75% of that in summer at 0-5 degrees in winter, and even lower at high-power vehicles with high current. Ternary batteries, at the same temperature, are about 90% in summer, with a decline, but it is not obvious. More northward regions will fall a little more.

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