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What should we pay attention to when using oxalic acid detergent at home?

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

Oxalic acid is poisonous. It has irritating and corrosive effect on skin and mucosa, and is easily absorbed by epidermis and mucosa to cause poisoning.

Hazards of oxalic acid and precautions in its use:

1. Oxalic acid is not easy to be oxidized and decomposed in the human body. The products formed after metabolism belong to acidic substances, which can lead to the imbalance of acidity and alkalinity in the human body, and can be poisoned too much.

2. Take some oxalic acid and rub it on the rust stain with a solution of warm water. Oxalic acid can remove rust, but it has certain toxicity.

3. Be careful when using oxalic acid. Oxalic acid has strong corrosiveness to stainless steel. Oxalic acid with high concentration is easy to corrode hands.

4. If oxalic acid meets calcium and zinc in human body, it will produce calcium oxalate and zinc oxalate, which are not easily absorbed and discharged from the body, and affect the absorption of calcium and zinc.

5. Children need a lot of calcium and zinc for growth and development. Lack of calcium and zinc in the body can not only lead to bone and tooth dysplasia, but also affect intellectual development. Excessive intake of oxalic acid can also cause stones.

What can oxalic acid cleaner clean?

Oxalic acid can be used to clean some stains or traces. When oxalic acid plays different roles, its cleaning effect is also different.

1. As bleaching agent:

Oxalic acid is mainly used as reducing agent and bleaching agent for the production of antibiotics and other drugs, as well as for the extraction of rare metals solvent, dye reductant, tanning agent and so on.

Oxalic acid can also be used in the production of cobalt-molybdenum-aluminium catalysts, cleaning of metals and marbles and bleaching of textiles.

(3) Used for metal surface cleaning and treatment, rare earth element extraction, textile printing and dyeing, leather processing, catalyst preparation, etc.

2. As mordant:

Antimony oxalate can be used as mordant, and ammonium ferric oxalate is used to print blueprints.

3. Rust removal function:

Oxalic acid can be used for rust removal. However, be careful when using oxalic acid on stainless steel has strong corrosiveness. High concentration of oxalic acid also corrodes hands easily. The acidic oxalate produced has high solubility, but has certain toxicity. When used, do not eat or drink. After skin contact with oxalic acid, it should be washed with water in time.

4. As reductant:

In organic synthesis industry, it is mainly used to produce hydroquinone, pentaerythritol, cobalt oxalate, nickel oxalate, gallic acid and other chemical products.

(2) Plastic industry is used to produce polyvinyl chloride, amino plastics, urea-formaldehyde plastics, lacquer sheets, etc.

(3) The dyestuff industry is used to produce salt base green, etc.

(4) Printing and dyeing industry can replace acetic acid as color auxiliaries and bleaching agents for dyes.

_Pharmaceutical industry is used to manufacture aureomycin, oxytetracycline, streptomycin and so on.

Oxalic acid can also be used to synthesize various oxalates, oxalates and oxalamides. Diethyl oxalate, sodium oxalate and calcium oxalate have the largest yield.

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