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What is the water absorption of industrial oxalic acid?

Date of release:2019-03-14 Author: Click:

1. Industrial oxalic acid corrodes some metallic substances and does not corrode plastics. Only a few minutes in the air will absorb water, so when cleaning the dirt on metal equipment, dilute it first.

2. Industrial oxalic acid has strong corrosiveness, water absorption and deliquescence. It can be used as a desiccant. However, acid gas can not be dried because it can react with acid gas. It is easy to be deliquescent and liquefied in air, soluble in water and emits a lot of heat at the same time.

Industrial oxalic acid can quickly absorb water in large quantities, and the concentration of oxalic acid will decrease. However, the property of oxalic acid changes and diluted oxalic acid still has advantages in cleaning dirt.

How to remove impurities in industrial iron oxalate

Pure industrial oxalic acid has high concentration and strong acidity. It is difficult to remove dirt if ordinary cleaning agent is used to dissolve quickly. In the production process, although some chemical reactions are used, there will still be some iron impurities, but it can be removed by means of:

1. When iron impurities in industrial oxalic acid exist in the form of colloidal organic compounds or colloidal ferric hydroxide, coagulant can be used. The purpose of using coagulant is to make colloidal unstable and coagulate into larger particles, so as to remove them in the process of industrial oxalic acid clarification and filtration.

2. Filtration method, first of all, iron divalent is oxidized to insoluble trivalent iron, and then the sediments in industrial oxalic acid are removed by chemical precipitation to form sediments.

Industrial oxalic acid without impurities does not affect the effect of use. To remove the iron impurities, it is necessary to find out whether the iron element reacts with those substances, whether the substance reacts with iron oxalate or not, and then remove it by chemical reaction.

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